The Town is the Menu – Guisborough on a Plate
Rosemary and Lavender Herbal Hand Bath
Just like the canons of Gisborough Priory, established almost a millennium ago, we invite you to cleanse your hands before the feast in water scented with herbs found in the ancient Priory Garden.
To Start – A Sharing Platter
New Potato* Salad with foraged Lincolnshire Sea-marsh Samphire & Cured Hen’s Egg*, Pea & Broad Bean Pottage, a salad of Fennel, wild Sorrel & Lovage, Roasted Turnips with Yoghurt & Poppy Dressing, Northumberland Cheese with Guisborough Membrillo and bread*.
Guisborough has a phenomenal number of clubs and groups – something for everyone – and we celebrate this extraordinary community spirit by breaking bread together. Our platter is inspired by the basic diet of local miners, medieval trade routes though Lincolnshire, and our ‘so-called vegetarian’ canons’ secret love of seafood. There’s a nod to the  powerful De Brus family, who came originally from France and went on to rule Scotland. Influence from the canons comes in the form of pickling, preserving, medicinal plants and yes, thrift! Lovage and herbs for the pottage are from the Gisborough Priory Garden (currently being lovingly recreated for the 900th anniversary) that also inspires our ancient (but fresh!) salad.
Vegetable Button Tart*, Braised Swede Chips & Beet Gravy
You’ll not find anyone in Guisborough without a link to the old Burtons shirt factory, hence our buttoned-up tart. Veggies are local and donated, and who doesn’t love a pie! Staple of the miners on whose backs the town was founded. Their labours, digging for alum used to dye cloth, are reflected in the rust-coloured swede and vibrant beet. Bye ‘eck though, chips n gravy? Guisborough may be firmly part of Tees Valley, but listen up! At least half its heart is in God’s own county.
Honey-roast Plums*, Fig-leaf Ice Cream, Kombucha Jelly, Rose Biscuit
Almost zero boarded-up shops here, so we celebrate flourishing enterprise with a dessert packed with local produce. There’s more influence from those canons and the wonderful Priory Garden, and tea for the miners of course. Mostly though, it’s about our exquisite landscape. Take a nibble of Roseberry Topping, from where De Brus surveyed all under his control, then sink your teeth into icy Freebrough Hill (AKA Death Hill to local sledgers). You might even spot the hidden blue lake in Guisborough woods, restored by yet another of those community groups. Lastly, the leaves decorating your table are from the ancient and beloved rhomboid of lime trees of Monks Walk, Gisborough Priory.
*ingredients reclaimed from food surplus
The Town is the Menu created by Simon Preston
Menu by Jess Miller and Sammy Coxell, the Ugly Duckling team.
Thanks to Riverford Organic Veg, Branching Design Floristry, Gisborough Priory Project
This 3-course community meal is just £7 per person – to book your place click hereÂ