Help to make a paper origami quilt

Help to make a paper origami quilt

By Ellie Clewlow


Saturday & Sunday




Imagined Meadow
Duration: Drop-in
Many of us will have wrestled with the uncomfortable thought that as individuals what we do can’t make enough of a difference to our environment. The challenge is to think how we can get beyond being frozen by feelings of guilt and hopelessness to communicating a message of hope and action.     Sunderland paper artist, Ellie Clewlow, is making a modular origami quilt that tries to do just that. She draws upon traditions of northern quilting, which historically involved communities coming together to make or support themselves. That’s the inspiration here. Individually, we can each make a small difference, but bring those individual pieces together – make a communal effort to make a difference – and you have something powerful.   Come along and write down your own commitment to be more sustainable and fold it with Ellie into a module that becomes part of the finished work. 6yrs+, Children to be accompanied by an adult.


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