Make Your Own Toilet Fizz

Make Your Own Toilet Fizz

By Ecologico


Saturday & Sunday




The Imagined Meadow
Duration: 45mins
In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to create your very own all-natural, toxin-free toilet fizz using everyday household ingredients. Ecologico’s Ruth will walk you through the step-by-step process of crafting products that are tough on stains but gentle on the planet. Discover the power of simple, eco-friendly components that cleanse and freshen your toilet without harming aquatic life or polluting water systems. Perfect for beginners and sustainability enthusiasts alike. Have fun while learning about the positive impact of your choices and how small changes can lead to significant improvements in sustainability. Leave with the knowledge and recipes you need to continue making your own at home, saving money and reducing plastic waste. All ages, children must be accompanied by an adult.


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