Thank You from Festival of Thrift

Thanks go to:

Since Festival 2019
Jo Deans, Tim Garbutt, Sandra GibbsDella Haq, Kate James,Tracy Kidd, Rachel Laycock, Adam Long, Maddie Maughan, Peter Neal, Simon Preston, Cara Pringle, Rachel Smith, Emma Wheetman, Emma Whitenstall, Emma Tweddle, Vik Watson,  Sophie Halford and Sophie Pereira.
Festival 2021
Alex Anslow, Stephanie Costello, Sammy Coxon, Abby Dennison, Darren Hill, Nichola LaverickJess Miller, Caroline Pearce, Rebecca Robinson Humera.
Thanks also go to:
Tahmina Ali, BBC Tees, James Beighton, Ken Brown, Umar Butt,Laura Case,Katie Chandler-Bing, Cleveland PoliceGary Cummins, JaneCuthbert,Dance City, Trevor Dowson, Dominique Finn, Pete Gunson, Juliet Hardy, Gerardine Hemingway MBE, Wayne Hemingway MBE, Rob Henderson, Joanne Hodgson,Lyn Hugill, David Iceton, Imagineers Coventry,Independent Safety Advisory Group,Tina Jackson, Carl Joyce, Shahda Khan, Charlie Kemp, Kirkleatham Hall School, Cllr. Karen King, Gary MawsonVicky McDermott, MIMA,Ruth Newton and all at Glimpse  Wendy Parvin, Sharon Paterson, James Preston, all the staff of Redcar and Cleveland Council, Hattie Reeve,  Riverford North Yorkshire and South Durham, Christine Sands,Neeraj Sharmaand all at Daisy Chain Stockton, David Slater, Rowena Sommerville,Patricia Stead,Stellar Projects, Rev Matt Stiles and all at St Cuthbert’s Church,Steve Tate and all at Scream Factory,Pauline Taylor, Christine Thornley and volunteers from RIBA Tees Valley, Tuned InCllr. Louise Westbury, Dave Robson and all at ZetlandFM, all our wonderful volunteers, and all the residents of Kirkleatham Village and Sir William Turner’s Almshouses, Graham Ramsay Base Camp, Beth Smith Blooming youth Collective and Rachel Burns.

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